The Candidate to Unite America Has Emerged for the 2024 Election!
The Guys are back at it! In this episode we discuss Joe Biden’s announcement to run for re-election in 2024. We also talk about former President Donald Trump announcing his intentions to run as well. But, the darkhorse of the race has emerged, and he could very well be the one who truly units our country. It’s a familiar, powerful name in politics, too.
Could Robert F. Kennedy Jr. be the man this country sorely needs? We discuss his candidacy and what he brings to the table.
It’s also NFL draft time! Slages and Mr. P talk about how the first round could potentially shake out, including who the Seahawks should pick, and who they should stay away from! Slages gives his insight on who his team, the Steelers, need to set their sights on.
A MUST listen episode! Our commentary hits these talking points head on!